pink_color_rating rating leaderboard

name rating
1. <DSRTNG> Dima 12044
2. <DIGNO> BarCodeBussy 4471
3. <BiR> Yankee 3802
5. <Spera> NaCN 2389
6. rebbatskab 2292
7. <dGreat> NoooB 1537
8. <T1TANS> Phoenix 1496
9. WhatTheDuck 1181
10. KorBobo 994
11. <Yepta> TWIGG 684
12. YnY 523
13. <Шахтёр> PezaUkraine 470
14. iSlapU 433
15. <dGreat> Phoenix 414
16. Strawberry 396
17. <GKitty> GDSLYouTube 272
18. Preacherman 271
19. Qsoup 263
20. <DSRTNG> Dima 243
21. Varder 231
22. <GLTR> hodgep 226
23. MGChingstah 221
24. BORZ 177
25. <DSRTNG> PezaUkraine 155
26. <DSRTNG> kudapapa 104
27. <lPVGl> TKnight 81
28. Host 72
29. MasterChief 36
30. ISlapU 34
32. <ProbKA> trotskor 32
33. <DSFrog> MemoriaChan 21
34. NoooB 10
35. ABYR 6
36. <Yepta> HeyLetsTey 5
37. Monstyr 2
38. LucikTheBest 1
39. Coltkotkot 1

example pink color rating

you start with 0 rating
you have pink color = you get +1
you don't have pink color = you get -3

contribute your own rating ideas to discord
source is available here