time_played rating leaderboard
hours spent in games
this only includes actual game time, as displayed above the map in SC2
it doesn't include anything else:
- staying online in battle.net
- staying in SC2 menu
- waiting in lobbies
- looking at DS loading screen
- waiting for a player disconnect countdown
- waiting while game is paused
- having game slowed because of lags: even if 3 ingame minutes of a laggy game took you 10 real life minutes, it will be counted as 3 minutes
fun math: divide your hours played by 5.12
that would be how many work-days equivalents you have spent ingame
all those who have more than 1869 hours played - congratulations, you have spent more than a work-year in DS!
365 days in a year
365 - 28 = 337 days in a year excluding one month paid leave
337 - 10 = 327 days in a year excluding holidays as well
327 / 7 * 5 = 234 days in a year excluding weekends
234 * 8 = 1869 hours spent at work per year
1869 / 365 = 5.12 hours spent at work per day